BeeHive Technologies LLC

Urban Drone Delivery Infrastructure

“Equal services for all shippers and retailers, a common interface for consumers, and a single point of contact for municipalities and regulators.”


Take a tour of the Hive

Meet The Hive

The Hive in several urban settings.

BeeHive Timeline

BeeHive Timeline

Drone delivery -- a brief history, the now, and the near future.

The problem operating drones in an Urban environment

The Urban Conundrum

Cities need drones, drones need cities, but how to get drones into cities?

Leadership Team

Team Member Jack


MS Mechanical Engineering

Marquette University

(Mechanical Systems)

Team Member Will


MS Mechanical Engineering

Marquette University

(Energy Systems)

Team Member Zafer


BS Computer Engineering, MSOE

Avionics Engineer (20 yrs)

What We Do

Our focus at BeeHive is on the physical infrastructure, technology, education and coordination that will enable urban communities to fully benefit from the future of urban air mobility.

Our launch product and service are based around “The Hive” -- a compact vertical takeoff and landing (VTOL) destination for unmanned aerial system (UAS) package delivery that integrates into the larger unmanned traffic management (UTM) system. The Hive is designed to fit into tight areas and features a unique approach and landing system designed for complex urban environments with no GNSS or vision dependencies.

Our Story

We are a group of engineers and scientists with backgrounds in mechanical engineering, computer science, and avionics that have embraced a future that integrates advanced air mobility systems into our daily lives. Our part in this new air mobility paradigm started in 2019 with a brainstorming effort to come up with ways to curtail the exponentially growing environmental impact...(read more)

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